About Us

After being in and around the construction business for almost 40 years Mr. Lewis has attempted in years past to build an off grid video surveillance system for a reasonable amount of money. Now that tech has caught up to his ideas, he is able to provide that needed solution to the average construction contractor for a reasonable rental or lease plan price.

Service Area
Our service area is generally the West Coast of Florida but we will consider other areas upon request. We currently have cameras from Fort Myers to Ocala and as far inland as Lake Alfred.


"These cameras are awesome, I need 10 more cameras. one for every jobsite I have, get me on the list. They are super helpful and I really like them. Watching the deliveries and guys working. It was nice to know and get confirmation of the subs doing what they said."

Steve Hollibaugh

Hollibaugh Construction

Sarasota, Fl.


"It is such a relief to be able to see who is on my construction sites and who has been on the sites without having to actually go to the site."

Jack Jonson
North Port, Fl.


"I need one of your systems on each of my residential projects. This saves so much time not having to drive from one site to the other. This is a solution that gives me more office time. Thanks for making my life easier."

Tim Burns
Port Charlotte, Fl.

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