
Standard System

Our standard system is like you see in the pictures above or to the right. A fabricated metal post or 4 x 4 wood post,  that is painted bright yellow so that is noticed, at least one PTZ camera, solar panel and solar powered LED flood light. Each rig has a red motion sensing strobe light or a blue 60 flash per minute strobe that is solar powered and comes on automatically at dusk and turns off at dawn. Configurations can be a one or more camera and light solution depending on the size of the area being covered.

Countertop System

A very popular system is our countertop camera rigs. Totally self contained and designed to be placed on the kitchen counter to protect your appliances during final stages of construction.

Custom System

We will custom fabricate a system to fit your needs. Let us know what you are trying to watch as we always like a good challenge.

Covert System

We can place our rigs up in a tree or inside of a structure. Strap a camera to the inside of a building under construction.

Extra battery power available if not in an area with sunlight to charge.


From time to time we have used cameras that we have retired because of new technologies. These cameras work great as game cameras. Contact us if interested.

Standard 2 Camera System

This is our standard camera rig. We also can add cameras to this post or anywhere on your site, even inside of the structure.

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